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Overview of Sacred Valley tour of Perú

The Sacred Valley Tours are Private Tours for Small groups of people , Amigos , Família. are more interesting in small groups, to appreciate and enjoy trips in the sacred Valley of the Incas.
Optional Itinerary for Vale Sagrado Peru : (choose any of these journey according to your needs).
The pick up from your hotel to start in the morning, depende de onde você vai ficar. If You stay Cusco City, the tours start at Cusco City, If you stay in the sacred Valley the tours starts in the Sacred Valley from any hotel you will stay.
In the Sacred Valley of the incas are there 3 main towns, to start the tours: Ollantaytambo ,Urubamba and Pisac town.

Sacred valley tour

Itinerary of Sacred Valley

Dia 1Pisac Tour- Ollantaytambo Tour – Llama farm Tour

Firstly Pick up from your hotel sacred valley or Cusco City 8.00am secondly Visit Llama alpaca farm and Cultural immersion day tour, Visit and tour Pisac historical site in addition Pisac market, Tour Ollantaytambo historical site and town with guinea pig farms, return hotel 5-6 PM. Included Professional Guide service, safe and comfortable new Transportation service Hotel … enjoy our best cultural immersion travel.

Dia 2Chinchero Tour –Moray Tour - Salt Flats of Sacred valley

FirstlyMeet the group in the hotel around sacred valley or Cusco City 8.00am, secondly tour Chinchero Historical site, subsequently visit Moray historical site, Touring Maras salt flats, great cultural Tour of Sacred valley, day tour Return hotel 4-5 pm Included Professional guide service, novo serviço de transporte seguro e confortável. After that return Hotel at Cusco City or Sacred Valley of the incas.

Dia 3Ollantaytambo – Huilloc – Patacancha - Cultural Immersion Day Tour

(Native Villages – Cultural immersion) wonderful day to meet andean people, Different tour experiences to enjoy Mountain people of Andes.
Firstly Pick up from your Hotel 8.00am, Secondly Visit and tour the native villages on the mountains around Sacred Valley Cultural Immersion trip, tour and Visit Potato farmer families, traditional people, dressing traditional clothing. (Donations like school supplies for kids are welcome), Included Professional Guide service, safe and comfortable new Transportation service with good driver. Afther that Return Hotel at Cusco City or Sacred valley.

Dia 4Cusco - Potato Park – Pisac – Cultural Immersion day Tour

(Native Villages – Cultural immersion). Firstly Pick up from your hotel in the sacred Valley of the incas or Cusco 8.00am, Secondly visit the native villages on the mountains, Meet Potato farmer families, traditional people, dressing traditional clothing. Share farming experience with local people on the mountains, the sacred valley tour at Potato park teach you about the ancient traditions of Andean People to learn and teach new civilization(Donations like school supplies for kids are welcome). Included Professional Guide service safe and comfortable new Transportation service. passeio de dia inteiro, Afther that end of the day return Hotel.

Please remember this is private tour we do not add other people in our group. If you are student don’t forget to bring student card (Valid) the cost of the tickets for different national parks is half cost with the valid student card.
To confirm your tour and any trip, pagar 50% por depósito bancário. Pague o outro 50% in your arrival to Cusco in our office Located in Cusco or Sacred Valley, antes ou depois de terminar o passeio, o pagamento pode ser feito em dinheiro conosco $ or s/.


  • Pick up do seu hotel pela manhã.
  • Novo transporte seguro privado com motorista profissional.
  • Guia profissional privado que fala inglês.

Não incluso

  • Refeições Almoço você pode pagar almoço nos restaurantes ou pode comprar lancheira.
  • Você precisa levar equipamento pessoal, (bastões de caminhada. Câmeras mochila pequena, capa de chuva, calçado confortável, agua, chapéu, protetor solar, lanches).

Outra informação

All reservations details for the sacred valley tours , must be made at least 04-05 months advance (no entanto 15 days in advance is recommended especially during the months of june, july, agosto.

Departures Every day from Cusco City or Sacred Valley

(From Ollantaytambo –Urubamba – Pisac or Cusco City):

Diariamente, all year , Feriados incluídos, from January to December for the Sacred valley tour we will need minimum 1-2 passageiros no momento da partida, actually we are ok if you are one or two ,we can leave any day ,any hour, which is fine for your plans. welcome to the nice sacred valley tour and Private Tours Peru the best trip in the sacred valley of the Incas.

Other Offers: South Valley CuscoMachu Picchu Trip

Contate-Nos www.davidexpeditionsperu.com. www.privatetoursperu.com. www.privateguideperu.com.